On October 1 of this year, the wedding of the so-called "Grand Duke" Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov (actually the Prince of Prussia, born in 1981, Madrid) and descended from the family of Italian winegrowers Rebecca Virginia Bettarini (born in 1982, in Orthodoxy Victoria Romanovna), took place in St. Petersburg. Russian citizen G.M. Romanov is positioned by his supporters as the heir to the throne and "Tsarevich".
Your Highness, it’s been seven years since you converted to Orthodoxy, and therefore became the Heir to the Russian Throne. Why is now the moment you decide to talk to the press for the first time?
Baptizing of Russia by Prince Vladimir, the adoption of Imperial Dignity by Ivan the Terrible, Assembly of the Land and Local Council in 1613, the anointing to the Imperial Throne of Peter I - that's the milestones of development of the Great Russia. It is quite natural that the patristic writings of ascetics of the Russian Land speak about the power of the All-Russian Imperial Throne and its deep sacred significance.